Top 4 Cannabis Events for Businesses (2021-2022)

The US cannabis market is gearing up for a big year in 2022. As more and more states open up to flourishing markets, cannabis events are a huge opportunity for entrepreneurs around the country. If you are planning to be part of the US cannabis market space, then you must attend the following events:

CannaCon Midwest and Northeast

CannaCon Midwest: Rosemont, IL; August 6-7, 2021

CannaCon Northeast 2021: Virginia Beach, VA; November 19, 2021

CannaCon Northeast 2022: New York, NY; January 7-8, 2021

CannaCon is one of the most popular and important business conferences in the Midwest and Eastern US. Currently, the event goes live in Chicago, Detroit, Oklahoma City, and New York. The CannaCon event in the Midwest mostly focuses on growers because that is a larger market in that part of the US.

Meanwhile, the New York conference focuses more on innovators and tech enthusiasts associated with cannabis. At the same time, all CannaCon events have a concentration of entrepreneurs looking to network and connect with other cannabis space operators. 

International Cannabis Business Conference, Berlin

Berlin, Germany; August 26-27, 2021

The International Cannabis Business Conference is one of the most widely recognized global cannabis events. The biggest pull for this conference is its international presence, global market draw, emphasis on science studies and social justice movements.

This is a great platform for working up to an international market appeal. It is also a platform for executives, entrepreneurs and cannabis policymakers working with governments to make cannabis more safe and accessible.  

MJBizCon Las Vegas

Las Vegas, Nevada; October 19-22, 2021

MJBizCon has been one of the top cannabis conventions in the US since the industry got into full swing. This event hosts a ton of companies, executives, entrepreneurs and who’s who of the cannabiz world. The event is held for 3 straight days and is one of the best places to network with industry peers.

Aside from the business opportunities and entrepreneurial talks, visitors also get to explore emergent technologies in the cannabis space. This is undoubtedly the most important cannabis convention anyone can visit during a yearly calendar.

NCIA National Business Summit

San Francisco, CA; December 15-17, 2021

The NCIA is arguably the most business-centric cannabis convention in the US right now. The event has been held for the past 6 years without pause and it has made a considerable impact in the cannabis space over that time. A particular point of importance here is regarding the legal advice and cannabiz advocacy this summit offers.

Members of NCIA become part of a massive lobbying body pushing for broader and more relaxed cannabis regulations. Aside from that, the summit also features growers, financial companies in the cannabis space, and adjunct cannabis businesses associated with bigger brands. This assortment of business-first cannabis space representations makes this event a must-attend for all aspiring cannabis entrepreneurs and companies alike.


The US cannabis market is growing exponentially with 2022 slated to be the biggest year yet. As the New York market opens, the market will be flooded with new strains, technologies, and business know-how. In that light, networking and keeping abreast of the tech curve is crucial for long-term sustainability.

While there are certainly other events and conventions as well, these remain essential to expanding cannabis’ momentum into America’s mainstream. We highly recommend attending as many of them as possible to all emergent entrepreneurs, thought leaders, tech innovators and others associated with the US and global cannabis business movement.

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